Paris 5.44pm
Shocking news. Not NATO, not EU.
Gouvernement French President Emmanuel Macron wants liberals to unite behind a new EU-level political party called 'RENEW.' A new fraction, unite fragmented EU liberals - extreme liberals. As a first step he's created an association called New Europeans with likeminded allies from [1] Romania Guvernul României ; [2] Slovenia Vlada Republike Slovenije ; [3] Poland Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Office of the Prime Minister ; [4] Denmark Danish Agency for Digital Government .
No Germany included. A rift between Chancelor Scholz - Macron never resolved, even although in memorial to Wolfgang Schauble, Macron giving a speech in Deutsch. Just months before Summer Olympics 2024.
First reported by Elisa Braun from POLITICO POLITICO Europe / Axel Springer