Same Disaster Coronavirus June 2021 and June 2022
(in global, with English)
We are in a raging pandemic and in a mass disabling event. We need mask mandates and full containment. Everyone masking in at-risk situation is much safer than one-way masking. Enough with letting the coronavirus, or now added monkey pox virus spread and killing and maiming people needlessly.
Too weak to anticipating Coronavirus today. I've just seen another verified Twitter account saying we can't keep viruses "at bay forever". Yet, yes! Key research and public health have literally worked towards keeping dangerous pathogens "at bay forever". Let's see some examples based on the scientific evidence.
Children (playgroup, kindergarten, junior school) very likely received inadequate treatment in many parts of the world. Some may now have to live with transplants they may not have needed. Some died. And (in Indonesia calendar) today still holiday for kids. Or for the Western Hemisphere is Summer. Some toddlers in the West just failed to get a summer holiday not because Coronavirus, but because bullet.
When these children got very very sick, we then denied the obvious cause & didn't even investigate it & treat them for it —-- until much too late. Not only did we do that- the narrative we created to deny Coronavirus was the likely cause influenced treatment across the globe - as we were the first country to identify it, had the largest numbers - our public health agency and 'experts' were believed.
We are in a global pandemic with a fast mutating SARS virus. Tell me we aren't on a de facto mass infection policy where economy counts more than avoiding Coronavirus death and disability. Not singling the US out alone on this. It's a global phenomenon for loosening anticipate about Coronavirus. Given transmission is high, and increasing (and the fact that with lagged surveillance only, we don't know what current infection rates are)- it's worth taking precautions. Even people who're boostered (3x doses, even 4x doses) can get long COVID. The incidence is still significant.
Measles is another disease which has been considered as a candidate for eradication for decades. The disease had been successfully eliminated in some countries, and contained in many. Drops in vaccination rates (especially since February 2022 worldwide—- except Indonesia on “PUASA” fasting month because vaccination daily still reach 300k/day, thanks for Government for mandating vaccination before travelling “mudik” or whatsoever). Drop vaccination in recent years led to some resurgence.
Many people know that COVID cases—as shown in all those charts & maps that decorate front pages—are likely underreported right now. That uncertainty makes calculating one’s own risk extra tricky. People are celebrating the currently low-ish US Coronavirus death rate, claiming it means something. It makes me want to bang my head against a wall. We do this every time. People should know by now: FATALITIES ARE A LAGGING INDICATOR. They will rise again. The pandemic is not over. If you want to argue that money, whatever currency, outweighs the risk, fine, but don’t pretend “science and data” backs this. This is only about boosting travel and ensuring that COVID positive people can fly home. Testing is of course imperfect, but each protective layer we remove increases risk.
(Indonesia situation, with Bahasa Indonesia)
Juni 2021. Desak-desakan parah di semua gerai emsidi (McDonalds). Demi merchandise BTS. Benar, saat itu masih dibawah 1000/hari wafatnya. Benar, bahwa sejak Lebaran 2021 (Mei) pun sudah mulai desak-desakan.
Sampai…..sampai 16 Juli-22 Agustus tidak pernah putus wafat covid/coronavirus diatas 1000/hari. Salah satu keluarga besar saya wafat jam 4 pagi di 17 Juli. Alih-alih memakamkan, saya bahkan tidak boleh ke RS.
Polanya kembali mirip, meski wafatnya jauh lebih berkurang. Benar kasus covid terus menanjak bahkan sejak Nuzulul Quran (sekitar 19-20 April) sampai sekarang, dengan wafat 3, kadang 0, kadang 1, kadang 4 jiwa saja se-Indonesia. For comparison: Australia di saat yang sama sempat wafat 100/hari, dan populasi Australia hanya sepersembilan Indonesia.
Benar: harusnya kita lebih tenang karena (toh) meski kembali akan banyak kasus, wafatnya jauh lebih merosot.
Benar: kebanyakan penerima vaksin ketiga itu dilakukan suntik vaksinnya pada Februari, sehingga “akurasi, efektivitas vaksin covid” akan habis di Agustus (*saya vaksin ketiga justru di Januari—sehingga saya jelas lebih rentan, bahkan meski saya selalu rutin pakai masker lapis empat).
Tapi ada terlalu banyak kegiatan masif warga, bahkan meski berulang kali diingatkan “si empunya hajat” agar tetap bermasker dan atau bahkan ga perlu datang. PRJ (sejak 9 Juni). Keramaian di Bandung, dimana Ibunya sendiri (karena Eril akan dimakamkan di Desa kelahiran ibunya) yang minta warga cukup lihat di TV atau kanal daring untuk pemakaman anaknya. Ketiga, Bulutangkis di istora yang saat ini diketik baru saja selesai Final Ganda Putra (laga terakhir).
Saya meyakini bahwa akan tetap butuh vaksin keempat bahkan saat penerima vaksin ketiga masih dibawah 50 juta jiwa. Data lintas dokter (syukurnya masih sehat walafiat) sudah dibikin, termasuk spesialis paru-paru dan atau yang related dengan pernafasan dan atau Coronavirus. Tapi mudah-mudahan keterdesakan vaksin keempat tidak karena wafat terlanjur (kembali) 100/jiwa per hari atau lebih.