Spain open to recognizing Palestinian state, even if EU disagrees. [SPANISH - ENGLISH]
Israel accuses Spanish, Belgian prime ministers of supporting terrorism. [SPANISH / ENGLISH]
Madrid 5.51am
You are about to see in real time over the next 4 days how the media can choose who it humanizes and who it villainizes, who is a child and who is a minor, who is a mother and who is an accomplice. Who is a hostage and who is a prisoner. In short who is innocent and who is not. It's too early to make conclusive determinations, but a lot of very evident that the dynamic among the Palestinians in East Jerusalem is very different with Gaza.
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Friday that Madrid is open to unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state, even if it goes against the opinion of the European Union. Entire Global South like Indonesia, China, India already recognize Palestine since 7 decades ago.
“I think that the moment has come for the international community, especially for the European Union and its member states to recognize the state of Palestine,” Sanchez told media during a press conference on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing.
Rafah border. via PLESTIA ‘BOSBOS’ ALAQAD, October 27th, 2023
Sanchez said that ideally, the recognition would come all at once with at least several member states participating.
COUNTRIES recognize Palestine [before announcement by Spain]
“But if this is not the case, of course, Spain will take its own decisions,” said the newly re-elected Spanish premier, who previously vowed that recognizing the state of Palestine was a priority for his upcoming term.
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo joined Sanchez on his tour of Israel, Palestine and Egypt.
Throughout the trip, both leaders called for the protection of the civilian population in Gaza and for Israel to respect international humanitarian law.
On Friday, after their press conference at the Rafah crossing, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen ordered the summoning of the Spanish and Belgian ambassadors in Tel Aviv for a "harsh rebuke."
"We condemn the false claims of the Prime Ministers of Spain and Belgium who are giving support to terrorism," he posted on the social media network X, defending that Israel is "acting according to international law."
While the Belgian leader was more contained in his language, Sanchez said Israel was not following international law and accused it of the "indiscriminate killing" of "thousands of children" in Gaza.
Sanchez also firmly condemned the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.
"Violence will only lead to more violence. We need to replace violence with hope and peace. This is what I told the Israeli president and prime minister," said Sanchez at the Rafah border crossing.
Speaking on whether Belgium would recognize Palestine, De Croo said the first priority was freeing the hostages held by Hamas and helping alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.
“Then, we will need to sit around the table and discuss the subject,” said De Croo.
Currently, nine out of the 27 EU member states recognize the state of Palestine. In 2014, Sweden became the first country to do so while being an EU member state.
Earlier on Friday, the Belgian and Spanish prime ministers met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
He suggested that the international community needs to take the reins for lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.
"We need international recognition of the Palestinian state, and the UN needs to intervene. Going in this direction would reflect the seriousness of the international community to achieve peace in our region,” he said, explaining his idea for a demilitarized Palestinian state with the borders of 1967, potentially with the presence of international forces.
El presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, ha asegurado este sábado que la solución al conflicto entre Israel y Hamás pasa por reconocer también como Estado a Palestina, "para que puedan coexistir en paz y con seguridad".
A su juicio, el conflicto "solamente va a ser resuelto cuando, como dicen Naciones Unidas y también las Cortes Generales, se reconozcan los dos Estados, Israel y Palestina, para que puedan coexistir en paz y con seguridad".
Durante un mitin del PSOE en Mérida, Sánchez ha lamentado que el conflicto esté causando "tanto sufrimiento, zozobra e inestabilidad" tanto en la región como en todo el mundo.
Sánchez ha respaldado el "derecho" de Israel a "defenderse" frente al ataque de Hamás, si bien ha precisado que tiene que ser "dentro del Derecho Internacional humanitario", lo que "no avala" el ultimátum de evacuación a la Franja de Gaza dado por las autoridades israelíes.
Ha condenado "con rotundidad y sin ningún tipo de ambages" el "atentado terrorista" de Hamás, a la vez que ha exigido la "urgente" puesta en libertad de los "rehenes y cautivos israelíes" que mantiene el movimiento islamista, cuando se cumple una semana del ataque.
Tras subrayar que España es un país "amante de la paz", ha expresado que Israel "tiene por supuesto el derecho de defenderse, pero siempre dentro del Derecho Internacional humanitario, que no avala materialmente la evacuación de palestinos de Gaza, tal y como dice Naciones Unidas".
Fuentes del PSOE han recordado tras la intervención de Sánchez que el Congreso de los Diputados aprobó en noviembre de 2014, con el apoyo de todos los grupos, una proposición no de ley que insta al Gobierno a reconocer a Palestina como Estado.
Ese texto salió adelante con 319 votos a favor, dos abstenciones y un voto en contra, y destacan los socialistas que fue fruto de una "larga negociación" en la que el PP "aceptó" cambiar el comienzo del texto, que pasó de "instar al Gobierno a impulsar el reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado" a "instar al Gobierno a reconocer a Palestina como Estado".
Las mismas fuentes señalan que el PSOE aceptó el resto de la enmienda transaccional de los 'populares' que instaba al Gobierno, entonces de Mariano Rajoy, a "buscar en cualquier actuación en este sentido una acción coordinada en concierto con la comunidad internacional, y en concreto con la Unión Europea, teniendo plenamente en cuenta las legítimas preocupaciones, interés y aspiraciones del Estado de Israel".
I know a lot of high-ranking media, such as New York Times, Guardian, Anadolu, BILD, Spiegel, Financial Times, Strait Times, Washington Post etc subscribed my substack. Plestia ‘Bosbos’ Alaqad ready to be your Stringer inside Gaza under bombing by Israel.
Toddler with Plestia, before war, living in Northern Gaza and they evacuated to Southern Gaza. Since Friday, Oct 13, when Israel announced to every Gazans from northern move to southern, more than 5,000 killed in southern, not counting barbaric bombing in northern Gaza. Northern Gaza is being depopulated, while even residents in the south are ordered to evacuate as the israelis implement their ethnic cleansing. Refugee literally fulfilled Israel warning, and still killed with barbaric bombing by Israel. Documentation by Plestia Alaqad
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