Cologne / Köln 8.07pm; Gaza 11.07pm
Cologne / Köln 1945
Dachau 1945
I promise to [the late] Professor Refaat Alareer [al-araeer], if war ended and he able to visit Indonesia, I cook him NASI GORENG / fried rice [he was tweeted about NASI GORENG & NASI AYAM]. He killed by Israel. He 8-10 years earlier popular as voice from Gaza before Motaz Azaiza, Plestia Alaqad, Hind Khoudary, Wisan Owda, you named it. For English-language followers of going-ons in Palestine, Refaat was our portal into Gaza since 10 years ago.
TedX by Professor REFAAT AL AREER
Nathan Tankus is Jewish activist
Plestia Alaqad. Anne Frank