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“YOU CANNOT POKE A SLEEPING LION WITH A STICK AND EXPECT IT TO GO ON SLEEPING...” I wish no blood spilled on either side but are you forgetting, as many people are, the TERROR ATTACK by Hamas on Israel that started this whole bloody fiasco? 1400, including all from infants to elderly cut down-murdered, and 200+ taken, kidnapped, people of all ages.

What country backed this terror attack? Does it even matter?

Hamas will not let peace stand. They started the killing several years ago also and then as now hid amongst the civilian population of Gaza, knowing Israel would retaliate and knowing the blood of innocents would be the cost of their terror attacks.

I hear nothing of this from your news letter. I hate all the constant war, constant killing where children grow up malnourished and uneducated because of these traditional pissing contest, ceaseless terror activity that never ever ends. I have no control over any of it and Israel I can’t speak for them. They have no place to go. We put them there after the holocaust and that’s when it started. Instead of peaceful tolerance living side by side, the big picture that I have always seen is the intolerance from the beginning that they are there.

Is it more important to constantly attack and draw fire than to sit down at the table and come to a resolution that settles once and for all a peaceful existence for both Palestinians and Jews? No one is leaving. No one is going anywhere. There is no place to go.

How many refugees can the rest of the world handle all because a few “men” at the top decide that murder and terrorism is the answer?

MEN! MEN! MEN! The ego of men is the cause of more death-blamed on religion-than any other cause in history.

Men decide-we must attack we must kill we must terrorize until we get our wants and when those wants are settled they, MEN, will come up with another excuse to keep the atrocities alive, and killing.

There is no excuse for it to have lasted this long. None.

Any reasonable people would’ve settled down by now.

People cannot live in the past. And that is the crux of the matter. The hate, the hate history.

They did this so we’ll do that.

It’s bill shit and it’s time to stop.

Biden is not evil or bad. Biden like all US presidents is caught up in this and instead of the blame going to terrorist organizations it goes to the US. The US that has offered sanctuary to everyone who needed it from everywhere.


Ask Hamas why they attacked and kidnapped then ran and hid among innocent civilians.

This fight makes men feel big. They aren’t big.

The relentless instigation of fighting is going to hold the people of the region back in the stone age as it has for so long and these people of the region will never know life as they should but it’s more important there for MEN to prove this or that than it is to allow everyone peace.

“You cannot poke a sleeping lion with a stick and expect it to go on sleeping”

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