Never heard of the Taliban, offering to ever turn over bin Laden. No never. Taliban are terrorist in charge of a country, a country where women and girls are treated like chattel, have absolutely no human rights at all. The Taliban never offered to turn bin Laden over. No. They helped hide him. The Taliban are monsters to women. Women under their rule cannot even pick up a pen and write. Cannot have a job, a career. Must cover from head to toe not even eyes showing. They are devils on earth and the country they lord it over will stay in the dark ages, never prosper, the people never have anything but misery because these “men” will make sure of that.

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You never once blamed Hamas for the cowards they are: cowards for striking and running away to hide among innocent civilians. Pregnant women, old people who cant leave Gaza. Everyone knows Netanyahu is doing it wrong and untold numbers are suffering.

But face the truth. A terror group like Hamas will never stop.

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