Indonesia Hospital Gaza and New Indonesia Capital City Project Has Been Destroyed. Less 2 Weeks Tony Blair Visit Indonesia to Ensure [New] City is Promising. Jeopardy to Continue [of Both]
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Less than 24 hours after meeting with former UK PM Tony Blair, Jokowi asked 2 high-ranking IKN, Bambang Susantono & Dhony Rahajoe to step down, or implicitly fired both. Both literally resigned around 9 days after Tony Blair met Jokowi. Bambang and Dhony not the 1st or 2nd person. First person who got fired by Jokowi in the complicated IKN is Andrinof Andir Chaniago, the mastermind of IKN itself. Tony Blair helped PR-ing IKN on a global level, via Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Maybe you heard this organization after former Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin also joined as Strategic Adviser [September 2023]. Awkwardly, until today, it was never clear about the fate of [former] asset of the UK embassy in Jakarta. The UK Embassy already moved from Bundaran HI, the most prestigious area in Indonesia, to a special embassy area named Patra Kuningan, erected beside the [new] Australian Embassy in Indonesia. But 12 years, until today, the former building of the UK Embassy just to be a spooky building in the middle ‘most prestigious area in Indonesia.’. As I heard, the Indonesian government was trying to buy the entire former UK Embassy building, and redevelop it to be a new park, dreamed of being a ‘Central Park NYC’ of Jakarta. But even with the connection between Tony Blair and Jokowi, it hasn't helped the problem of [former] UK Embassy building. As very huge building [and area], I was search to developer property, appraisal, potentially US$110 million, with the biggest factor how very expensive because, again, in Bundaran HI, the most prestigious area in Indonesia.
US$220 Billion (long-term investment, or bigger number) of IKN planning has moved away from the initial concept put forward in a National Government Planning Agency Study (Bappenas). Part of 1st ever Reshuffle under Jokowi regime, Andrinof Achir Chaniago, the IKN Mastermind, was fired / reshuffle[d] on August 12, 2015.
Current Bappenas Chief, Suharso, formerly had a decision about TAPERA [Public Housing Saving] as he served Indonesia's Minister of Public Housing between October 2009 and October 2011. Both TAPERA and IKN are currently [de facto] under Suharso, as both ambitious programs, facing a massive public rejection. Jokowi has not yet stated whether it will continue or postpone the implementation of the provisions which will cut 3 percent of workers' salaries or income.
The chaos of IKN, as the resignation of Bambang and Dhony, exactly the same hour after the news of the Indonesia Hospital in Gaza [cost around US$75 million] completely destroyed by Israel.
A lot of people now afraid it [IKN] could become a spook town or ghost town in the future. Resignations of Bambang Susantono and Donny Rahajoe as Head and Deputy Head of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) Authority have lifted the veil on the chaos surrounding the development of the state capital. The revelations about this disarray are proof of the shambolic planning and construction in the region. This magazine has criticized the IKN project from the outset because of the large number of problems behind it.
Most fundamentally, there was hardly any public participation in the policy to relocate the capital. Since it was proclaimed by President Joko Widodo in 2019, government studies into the plan have never been published. The government has given no satisfactory explanation as to why North Penajam Paser in East Kalimantan was selected as the location for the new capital, apart from its location in the middle of the map of Indonesia.
The unsuitability of the project can be seen from, for example, the geological aspect. The coal that lies under the surface of the prospective capital means that it will be difficult to find supplies of groundwater, and also that the region is prone to fires. Last year, a number of illegal coal mines around the IKN were observed by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency as hotspots. Some areas of the IKN region have the potential to emit shallow gas.
Moreover, the law that became the legal umbrella for the construction of the IKN was drawn up very quickly and in secret. There was some public consultation, like the one held at the Mulawarman University in Samarinda, but it was very secretive. This consultation was carried out simply as a rubber stamp, signifying that the formal process had gone ahead. There was no sign of any wish to gather comments from the public.
Abandoning Jakarta, with all its problems, is irresponsible. Instead of seeking solutions to Jakarta’s woes—including traffic congestion and flooding—Jokowi sought out a new capital simply to leave behind a legacy at the end of his administration.
The development has been rushed. The IKN project was established in 2022 before the Covid-19 pandemic was over. Instead of conserving budget funds to cover the costs of dealing with the pandemic, state funds were used for a lighthouse project with no direct impact on economic revitalization.
Up to the end of this year, Jokowi will spend Rp71.8 trillion from the State Budget on the IKN. These funds are spent and will be used to build a state palace, presidential office, government offices, ministerial residences, and accommodation for civil servants, as well as a number of other infrastructure projects. Initially, Jokowi boasted that the IKN would not use any public funds. But in the end, all the money still came from the State Budget.
Jokowi allocated Rp90.4 trillion from the State Budget or approximately 20 percent of the total cost to build the IKN of Rp466 trillion. The remainder will be funded by private investment to the tune of Rp132.2 trillion and through cooperation between the government and businesses totaling Rp252.2 trillion. However, private funds have not been forthcoming. Although Jokowi rolled out the red carpet, there has been no foreign investment. Even if there has been some interest, it has only been in the form of commitments.
As a result, two months before August 17, the IKN is still in a mess. Initially, Jokowi targeted this year’s Independence Day ceremony to be held in the new capital. In order to save face, because many of the facilities are not yet ready and it is possible that only a small number of government officials will have moved there, there will be a hybrid Independence Day ceremony in the IKN and in Jakarta.
This disarray is a result of the poor management of the project—from the planning to the oversight. With an unrealistic target and limited time to complete it, anyone responsible for this project would find themselves running out of steam. What is more, the IKN Authority’s development budget is in the hands of different institutions: the development budget is controlled by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, while land acquisition is in the hands of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning. As a result of the confusion over the budget and development implementation authority, employees of the IKN Authority were not paid for several months.
The new administration of Prabowo Subianto, which will take over in October this year, must halt the IKN. Prabowo’s statement at the Qatar Economic Forum in Doha on May 15 signaled that he was ready to take a different strategy from his predecessor. He said that the IKN is a political project and therefore the funding must come from domestic sources. If it relies on limited state funds, it is certain the construction of the IKN will be a protracted process.
Jokowi’s term of office is almost at an end. Prabowo should not carry the chaotic policies of Jokowi over into his administration.
Really weird. Apart only 5-6 hours. Both about ‘Indonesia’ assets, in Indonesia and in Gaza. Israel finally [completely] destroyed Indonesia Hospital, near Jabalia [Jabaliya; Jabaliyya] Refugee Camp, Northern Gaza. As far as I know, between 2006 - 2010, multiple crowdfund attempt between Indonesia society to build hospital, reaches around 85 billion Rupiah [US$5 Million]. This crowdfunding initiated after July 2006 Israel - Palestine plus Lebanon War started. I really believe some additional fund directly by Indonesia government to complete some medic equipment and another thing [fee of permit, additional drug, etc].
Then, another [really] bad news about [another] Indonesia asset, too huge, too big. New Capital City of ours, to replace current capital city Jakarta [population 11 million, but if include agglomeration area around Jakarta, population 18 million]. One of most populous cities on earth.
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Less 1 day after President Joko Widodo meet former UK PM Tony Blair CEO Tony Blair Institute for Global Change as TBIG part PR-ing US$220 billion Indonesia new capital city, Jokowi asked [both] Bambang Susantono and Dhony Rahajoe, Chief & VP Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (Nusantara Capital Authority) IKN - New Capital City to resign immediately. Not a 'Voluntarily Resign', according to long-time investigation by TEMPO. 9 Days after Jokowi - Blair, both Bambang and Dhony literally resign. Both are brightest Indonesian brain for municipality and or build a city.
Head of the Nusantara New Capital City (IKN, IBU KOTA NEGARA, with name ‘NUSANTARA’) Authority Bambang Susantono and his deputy Dhony Rahajoe have stepped down from their positions. State Secretary Minister Pratikno made the announcement at the Presidential Palace on Monday, June 3. However, he stopped short of elaborating on the reasons for the resignation of the two officials.
Dhony Rahajoe have [totally] 43 years experience built a satellite city and or integrated city, with one of his masterpieces is [called] BSD, Bumi Serpong Damai, integrated city near Jakarta, so far still the largest integrated city outside capital city in ASEAN.
In last 4 years, development of Indonesia New Capital City already absorbed at least US$60 billion, and even not counting Industrial Park near new capital city [also already absorbed US$10 billion. Multiple calculation, if one day completely finished [both] new capital city and industrial park, will be [estimate] US$220 billion.
The resignation just 9 days after former UK PM Tony Blair visit Indonesia to meet President ‘Jokowi’ Joko Widodo, in which, since 2021, under TBIG [Tony Blair Institute for Global Change], giving official advice for branding and everything related to new capital city for global audience. TBIG also already signed another specific MoU related to new capital city last January, days before Indonesia Election.
Tony Blair also has a connection related about destitute in Gaza. New Year Eve 2024, after an Israeli TV news report linked former Prime Minister Tony Blair to talks about a possible voluntary emigration, actually in real context is Ethnic Cleansing of Gazan citizens, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change called the report “a lie.”
“The story was published without any contact with Tony Blair or his team. No such discussion has taken place,” the organization said in a statement.
“Nor would Tony Blair have such a discussion. The idea is wrong in principle. Gazans should be able to stay and live in Gaza.”
Pratikno confirmed that President Joko Jokowi Widodo has issued a letter of honorable dismissal and appreciation to Bambang and Doni.
“The President has thus appointed Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono as Acting Head of the IKN Authority and Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR) Raja Juli Antoni as Acting Deputy Head of the IKN Authority,” he remarked.
The head of state instructed Basuki and Raja Juli to ensure the best possible acceleration of the new capital development. “With the initial vision: to remain consistent with the Nusa Rimba Raya plan and provide positive benefits to the surrounding community,” he added.
Since 2.5 years ago, President Joko Widodo has an ambitious, to set commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia will be held in the new capital city of the archipelago (IKN) on August 17 2024 —- or less 3 months from now. In accordance with the direction of Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, the event will invite 2,800 ceremony participants and invitees. Invitees consisted of groups of central officials, regional officials and residents locally and elsewhere.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the focus of the IKN development is currently on land and investment. That’s why he is collaborating with Raja Juli to lead the national project.
“This is related to the status of the land, so we will immediately decide on the status of the land in IKN whether it will be sold, leased, or under the KPBU (government cooperation with business entities) scheme,” Basuki said, hoping that investors would no longer hesitate to invest in the IKN project.
Now, 2 issues under jeopardy. For context realistic or not to rebuilt Gaza [one day] including rebuilt Indonesia Hospital. And for new capital city, if the brightest person who already successfully built ‘integrated city’ resigned to build new capital city, is realistic to keep funding and develop new capital city.
With resignation of 2 highest rank New Capital City chief in same day, some people feel haunted about 3 cases in ASEAN. First, fraud US$70 billion property in Vietnam. Second, fraud and finally ended to build ‘FOREST CITY’ [cost US$90 billion], a joint cooperation between Malaysia - China to build a new city, same par with Indonesia new capital city, as the developer of FOREST CITY is bankrupt. And in Indonesia, fraud of MEIKARTA, another new integrated city, hundred apartments, around 80 kilometers from Jakarta [current capital city].
footage by CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter, multiple nurses in DC, after humanitarian duty in Gaza.
Please keep donating to [1] PCRF / Palestine Children’s Relief Fund or [2] Freedom Flotilla.
As PCRF pictures by Dr Rajha in Gaza, Ariana Grande - Butera, and Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE part of CODEPINK Alert Jen
Unlike Israeli and pro zionist student [very easy] get a money [thanks for multiple billionaire], contrary, Palestinian very hard to get a money [like encampments across the world]. Link attached by CODEPINK Alert Jen Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE is Nagham, same healthcare worker like Jennifer but in Palestine. 19 Days ago is Nagham’s birthday.Link to donate. Nagham is still alive after Rafah bombing 201 hours ago.
Link to help journalist Abdelrahman Alkahout, Reshare by Jen Jennifer Koonings, PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE. Abdelrahman is still alive after Rafah bombing 201 hours ago.