DC 10.44PM
My beloved one repeated ‘disrupt’, ‘protest’, join a movement, and less 30 hours from now fly to Gaza Palestine via third country to giving medic / first aid. I am truly inspired and uplifted by her that have taken on this risk on the basis of their ethical commitments alone. And at [her] home, some US Senator says its ok to killing protesters.
Tom Cotton tweet only less 9 hours after news that SCOTUS / Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states. The extraordinary events in last 6 months especially in America challenge to assess anew many of the U.S. institutions, laws, and freedoms. Senator Tom Cotton’s tweet put a spotlight on vigilantism and the rights of Americans under the Constitution to both peaceably protest and bear arms freely. the First Amendment protects people’s rights to free speech and to peaceably assemble. Very few constitutional rights are absolute. The U.S. government is able to regulate the time, place and manner of speech in public forums … as long as the restriction is narrowly focused to serve a significant government interest.
America as a sort of society have somehow drifted to a position where persons can cross state boundaries, sometimes heavily armed, appear on the streets again heavily armed, and there’s very little that can happen beforehand in terms of an ability to stop it, with sometimes violent and calamitous results.
First and Second Amendment doctrine that are most relevant to the context of public demonstrations. Those Amendments—like many constitutional provisions—regulate only governmental actors, not private individuals. Thus, when protests occur on private property, the property owners are free to restrict unwanted speech, ban weapons, require event organizers to pay the full costs of providing security, and otherwise limit potentially harmful conduct. In addition, the First Amendment discussion below focuses exclusively on so-called public forums —where most expressive gatherings occur—rather than on nonpublic forums, where speech rights are highly constrained.
Heinous weapon. using emit baby. baby crying. sick. I'm afraid to camouflage, same drone [one day] used for surveillance every protesters / movement in US soil.
Golden Gate Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Same Brooklyn Bridge. Refaat Alareer. 270 Languages IF I MUST DIE, by 1400+ translators, here
Peaceful protest should always be a right. Violence by anyone is wrong.