Letter from Harvard, Christian [Support Palestine]
Relief, I'm not alone as Indonesian. Death Toll in Gaza alone already 1,417 in last 137 hours--- thanks for babies beheaded fake news so killing Palestinian justified, and several Harvard got doxxed.
really relief
I was international student from Indonesia, full financial aid [means, and already rechecked, the Indonesia is LPDP awardee, not fullbright
Boston, Massachusetts 4.01pm / Jerusalem - Gaza Strip - Tel Aviv 11.01pm [136 hours of war, still continue] BREAKING NEWS live update trilingual [hebrew - arabic - english] click here
I was doxed 11-12 years by tobacco company [local and global] because whistling corruption, ‘unfairness salaries’ etc, and tobacco company ‘paid’ billion rupiah [around 200-300k dollar] for several colleague in IR UGM [INTERNATIONAL RELATION UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA]. 2x Times my mother gets rammed by trailer truck, assassination attempt, both by company and my [EX] friend. I can empathize about cornered situation, suffered by PALESTINIAN, especially in Gaza, feel alone, especially because lied of beheaded babies, because I was alone to facing systematic assassination attempt directly to me and my mother. So much appreciate all the people with a moral compass who aren't afraid to stand up for Palestinians. You all are the light at the end of the tunnel.
So, I can empathize with several Harvard students who voice and or raising concern about the brutality of Israel, amid repeated lies about beheaded babies. One of viral tweet, show a letter, anonymous, but inserted / written original country ‘INDONESIA’, so some Indonesian students sent an email to Harvard Professor Jason Furman.
In the last 24 hours, because of a surprising letter, in the wake / in the middle circulation-gigantic retweets pro contra Palestine Israel [on every issue], and I found a tweet by Prof Jason 24 hours ago, haunted me but made me happy.
I’m not alone, as Indonesian Muslim, to show my concern and care about Palestinian, in orthodox / very different optics, and also concern how to make sure safety for Israeli civilians in the future [especially women I love is Jewish].
Palestinians have a right to defend themselves
I & a lot Muslim admit hamas is BARBAR. We read horror Kibbutz Kfar Ara, but repeated contradictory, Biden & now [comedy] CNN HADAS GOLD vs CNN MATTHEW CHANCE, rumor beheaded baby made killing Palestinian justified. There is confirmation that babies were cruelly killed, but not that they were beheaded. Much disinformation, fake content continue on this platform, verify before you post.
1,417 in Gaza killed, 51 killed in other Palestine cities in last 137 hours. Total since New Year Eve 2023 already 1,726 killed by Israel.
If the beheading of babies is deemed to be the benchmark for the worst imaginable evil, I would invite you to consider what the effects of an air strike on an apartment building are.
I don’t care about ‘manual, analog’ support for Palestine in middle Indonesian society. I’m happy, because it is [letter by Indonesian] viral globally but even until now no one in Indonesia is reporting it, some INDONESIA STUDENT - LDPD AWARDEE in Harvard, raising a voice, anonymity.
Because of my ‘ability on journalism intuition’, I already know all names of Harvard Students who support Palestine [bye bye William Albert ‘Bill’ Aickman], but because I've been a victim of doxxing for years, I never mentioned names here.
I just remembered that Kenneth Roth, literally he’s JEWISH AND HIS FAMILY IS HOLOCAUST VICTIM, got canceled by Harvard.
I & a lot Muslim admit Hamas is BARBAR. We read horror kibbutz Kfar Ara, but repeated contradictory, Biden & now CNN Hadas Gold vs CNN MATTHEW CHANCE, rumor beheaded baby made killing Palestinian justified.
It's heartening to me (as writer / my thesis in undergraduate explaining complicated relation between Israel - Palestine, still the thickest thesis defense in Indonesia - International Relation studies, more than 200 pages) to see Kennedy School faculty pushing back vs Dean Elmendorf's decision to rescind its fellowship offer to Kenneth Roth, which is a blow to academic freedom, HKS's reputation, and the interests of its students. Roth is Jewish descent.
Roth, the child of Jewish parents whose father fled from Nazi Germany, helmed the internationally renowned human rights NGO to historic growth in his nearly three-decade-long tenure and was dubbed by The New York Times as the godfather of human rights. Roth was also linked to the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the International Coalition to Ban Landmines, of which Human Right Watch [HRW] was a founding member. Human Right Watch 31 minutes ago announced that Israel has used white phosphorus in military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, putting civilians at risk of serious and long-term injuries. White phosphorus causes excruciating burns and can set homes afire. Its use in populated areas is unlawful.
"If this controversy was enough to boot a titan like Roth, a JEW, from the Kennedy School, I cannot imagine the penalties that much lesser-known Palestinian and Arab academics have suffered for their views on the Middle East over the years." Even Ken himself said, “"If I can be canceled because of my criticism of Israel, will [young academics] risk taking the issue on? If they can do this to me, imagine what they can do to lesser figures" Meanwhile, the school has a special program *just* for Israeli gov officials to be students.
German Israeli citizen, Shani Louk, now still well treated in Gaza hospital, amid horror disastrous [1,417 killed in Gaza alone, still rocketed number] and extreme shortage in every Gaza hospital. Yes, not got raped by Palestine, but get help.
Rothschild (not Roth), started from Judengasse Frankfurt, Germany. The first member of the family who was known to use the name "Rothschild" was Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, born in 1577. The name is derived from the German zum rothen Schild (with the old spelling "th"), meaning "at the red shield", in reference to the house where the family lived for many generations (in those days, houses were designated not by numbers, but by signs displaying different symbols or colours). A red shield can still be seen at the centre of the Rothschild coat of arms.
Plestia Alaqad is journo in Gaza. 7 Gaza Journo killed in last 137 hours. So, no journalist organizations or editorial boards going to denounce how at least 7 journalists were killed in gaza as of yesterday? does that not matter? The American journalism cadre made it very clear where they stood on Palestinian journalists when Palestinian American Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by the IDF.
The family's ascent to international prominence began in 1744. In 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild, a Swiss-based member of the banking family, said that he supported the Israeli–Palestinian peace process: "I understand that it is a complicated business, mainly because of the fanatics and extremists – and I am talking about both sides. I think you have fanatics in Israel. ... In general I am not in contact with politicians. I spoke once with Netanyahu. I met once with an Israeli finance minister, but the less I mingle with politicians the better I feel."[62] Due to a dispute with the Israeli tax authorities, the baron refuses to visit Israel. But his wife Ariane de Rothschild often visits Israel where she manages the Caesarea Foundation. She says: "It is insulting that the state [Israel] casts doubt on us. If there is a family that does not have to prove its commitment to Israel, it's ours.
Back to (Kenneth/Ken) Roth. A lot of Jewish descent set his and her heart to Palestine. Emily Wilder, ex AP, got fired from AP because of her long-standing support for Palestine. Natalie Hershlag, famous with the name Portman, Hollywood actress, very genius graduated from Harvard, also to be a long-standing support for Palestine.
The director of the Harvard Carr Center Professor Mathias Risse (German citizen) called the decision a 'profoundly sad moment' for him personally. 'My subsequent conversation with Ken Roth to explain this decision to the extent I could was one of the lowest moments in my professional life.'" “HKS spokesperson James F. Smith did not deny Roth’s specific allegations and declined to provide details about his fellowship candidacy.”
Regarding Dean Douglas William Elmendorf's claim that Roth has an "anti-Israel bias," Professor Kathryn Sikkink stated: "I have seen no credible evidence whatsoever that HRW or Ken Roth are biased against Israel. I consider this misinformation, and for people who know better, actual disinformation."
Palestinian alumni call for Harvard Kennedy School dean to step down over Ken Roth fiasco. At Harvard's Kennedy School, Dean Elmendorf--who blocked Ken Roth's appointment out of fealty to apartheid and ethnic cleansing--can be reached at 617-495-1122.
Amazing that Sean Spicer, a lowlife lackey of a deeply corrupt autocrat, is welcomed at HKS, while someone like Ken Roth who has been standing up for human rights for over 3 decades is denied a fellowship.
Harvard's Kennedy School turned down Ken Roth, the dean of the American human rights community, for supposed "anti-Israel bias." Meanwhile, its Wexner Israel Fellowship routinely brings members of the Mossad, IDF and Shin Bet to the school as fellows. The higher-education community in the United States is now (rightly) questioning Harvard Kennedy School Dean Douglas Elmendorf's veto of a proposed human rights fellowship for me because of my criticism of Israel -- a flouting of academic freedom.
There is an excellent piece in the Nation this week by Michael Massing documenting that Ken Roth–the man who affixed the apartheid label on Israel as head of Human Rights Watch in 2021 — lost out on a fellowship at Harvard’s Kennedy School last year because of his criticism of Israel.
Massing quotes Roth and a Kennedy School official saying the offer from a human rights center at the school was withdrawn because of the Israel issue. Then Massing identifies several pro-Israel donors he suggests had influence over the dean, Douglas Elmendorf.
The megadonors named by Massing (a close friend of mine) who presumably affected Elmendorf include: Thomas Kaplan, the chair of the 92d Street Y in New York– which cancels Palestinians; Leslie Wexner, the pro-Israel retailer; Idan Ofer, an Israeli billionaire, and wife Batia, both on the dean’s executive board; and Robert and Renee Belfer, philanthropists to many Israeli institutions. Ofer and Belfer have their names on buildings at the school.
SOHRI (Swedish Observatory for Human Rights Information) also condemns in the strongest terms Harvard Kennedy School’s denial of a position to the Kenneth Roth.
Interesting, economist Lawrence Henry Summers, who disagrees with Kenneth's Roth's criticism of Israel, nonetheless is suspicious of Harvard's decision to revoke his Kennedy School fellowship. Lawrence, in his account twitter, tweeted “While I loathe @KenRoth's views on Israeli & think some of his statements border on anti-Semitic, I think @TheFIREorg {Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression } is correct to seriously question the administrative decision not to allow @Kennedy_School @CarrCenter to invite Roth as a visiting fellow.
The appropriate response to Ken Roth criticism of Israel is NOT denying him a position but to offer more speech in the form of reasoned criticism and debate. More speech serves the principles of free expression and our interest in the pursuit of truth.
Again, for this note, I am just writing very short. If reader wants to recheck longer story from me [and thank you so much], please scroll my page substack [this is 10th note just about HAMAS - ISRAEL war in last 5 days].
Again, with case CNN now, these unverified assertions aren't just sloppy journalism — they are being used to justify a massacre.
Earlier this year, Israeli settlers carried out a so-called “reprisal attack” on the Palestinian village of Huwwara after an unknown Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli settlers. Israeli settlers launched a ‘pogrom’ on the night of February 26, attacking Palestinian homes and property in Huwwara, Burin, and across the Nablus area, burning houses, cars, vandalizing property, and assaulting Palestinians.
Following the reprisal attack on Huwwara carried out by Israeli settlers, Ben Zion wrote in a now-deleted tweet:
“Here in Hawara, the blood of our children, the residents of Samaria who were murdered here an hour ago, is spilled on the road. The village of Huwwara should be erased today. Enough with the talk of building and strengthening the settlement, the deterrence that was lost needs to be restored immediately, and there is no room for mercy.” (Translation by Google, archived here:
But, one day, after [all 750 hostages] back to Israeli soil or Israeli sides again, imagine that, they are told to each other ‘I may be killed by your [Israel] bomb, so please stop bombing Gaza again, forever.’
Türkiye President Erdogan has initiated a negotiation process for the release of civilian prisoners held by Hamas. President Erdogan has instructed the related institutions to lead the negotiation process. The released an Israeli woman and 2 kids is 2nd batch. First ever hostage released is elderly [around 85 years old] women. Very healthy, get food and water during kidnapping time from Palestinian, and the footage, get again water from the IDF.
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I can tell you feel strongly about this. That was the point of my essay. There are inn scent people on both sides of this. I am very disturbed by that.