Aug 15, 2023Liked by Prada

I knew that as soon as the United stated left and the Taliban followed right on their heels, taking over every part relinquished by the U. S. And here’s the thing, after being trained by some of the best for 20 years, an Afghan Army, afghan police, etc..these afghan soldiers and police who had top of the line equipment and a well trained and organized force, as soon as the Taliban got within miles of them they threw down their weapons and ran for home, striped themselves of any trace of service and in a complete about face gave over to the Taliban, knowing full well when would become of their sisters, mothers and female friends once religion became rule again.

Women that for 20 years, some born and making it to college, never knowing anything but equality and freedom, before the Taliban came back-very easily. Their would be protectors scattered like chickens when when the Taliban came.

The big mistake is that the U. S. Should have trained an army and police force if women-knowing the life of slavery-poverty-and all out pure hell that would befall them when the Tal took over they would have fought until every ounce of strength was drained from them and then some, they were the ones losing everything that makes a human being, they’re no longer citizens, they are chattel, owned by the men in their family, looking straight ahead through a screen, or covered head to toe except the eyes. What a pitiful situation for a human, any human to suffer in the 21st century.

This is the best example of why church and state mist be separate. Afghanistan will forever remain in the Stone Age, a poor backward country. where only men are human.

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Hon. Madame Tammy: a very pity-painful for Afghani (maybe forever painful), in other side, too much PTSD inside US soldiers and NATO alliance soldier. Some German soldier linkage (suffered PTSD after Afghanistan duty) with (relatives, families of) my girlfriend.

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