French & English language. Milan Kundera living "very long time" in France, exile, until he died today.
Wow, I had no idea he was still alive. Thanks for this information. We loved his books in the 1980s. He was a great artist of ideas.
@(at)Julie: He's really popular in cinephile community and (especially) IR/International Relation in Indonesia. Especially because (he's) exile. Around 10 thousands Indonesian abruptly exile to East Europe after ORBA/New Order regime (1967-1998).
Wow, I had no idea he was still alive. Thanks for this information. We loved his books in the 1980s. He was a great artist of ideas.
@(at)Julie: He's really popular in cinephile community and (especially) IR/International Relation in Indonesia. Especially because (he's) exile. Around 10 thousands Indonesian abruptly exile to East Europe after ORBA/New Order regime (1967-1998).