DC 3.33PM
Norman Jay Ornstein [American Enterprise Institute] is a long-standing Jewish supporter of Israel and a deeply respected pillar of the DC thinktank and policy communities; well briefed and well connected.
And even Norman is calling for President Biden to cut off arms to Israel.
Both Katie and Norman: Jewish American.
Norman established the Matthew Harris Ornstein Memorial Foundation in honor of the couple's eldest son, who died in 2015 at age 34 from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.
More and more name [in past] really ‘Jewish defender; Israel’s staunchest defender], but finally gave up about genocidal by Israel in Gaza Palestine:
Alex Jones [although his boss, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner, love to destroy Gaza]
Candace Owens [same like Alex Jones, [although her boss, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner, love to destroy Gaza]
MAGA - GOP Pastor Rick Wiles [although 77% White Evangelical Americaagree to kill entire Palestinian]
Dylan Williams. Lobbyist [same level like Norman]
UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron [has German Jewish ancestry]
Bruno Macaes, Portuguese analyst
Piers Morgan, UK pundit
and a lot
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