Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar (يحيى إبراهيم حسن السنوار, romanized: Yaḥyá Ibrāhīm Ḥasan al-Sinwār; born 29 October 1962), commonly known as Yahya Sinwar, has been killed by Israeli Airforce airstrike in Rafah Gaza. News already circulated not only Israeli media and multiple Gazan people, but also a lot of Western media.
There are images swirling about online of a dead person who looks similar to Sinwar, but additional confirmation is needed. The image looks striking similar to Sinwar. [If image is true, is Yahya] Yahya Sinwar was found above ground, he was not hiding in a tunnel or among civilians; instead, he was with his fighters at the front line.
Yahya grew even more popular and Hezbollah more determined. Resistance against the ethnosupremacist Western colony will grow from strength to strength.
October 29th, he would celebrate his 62nd birthday, Yahya born in Khan Younis. The timing he’s killed and also another statistic:
{a}13 Days after Yahya has a phone call with Qatar intelligent
{b}Day-2 of ‘30 days deadline’ by Biden administration for Israel to resolve humanitarian aid and food supply.
{c}By my count, in hierarchy [not combatant capacity], Israel already killing 20 percent Hamas hierarchy and 70 percent Hezbollah / Hizbullah hierarchy. But if count combatant capacity, [by my count] Israel only killing 10 percent Hamas combatant capacity and also only 10 percent Hizbullah combatant capacity. But [again] ‘open war’ between Israel - Hezbollah just day-37 [count from Pager / Beeper bomb].
If use exact timing about news reported, [around] 4.56 pm Gaza / Tel Aviv / Jerusalem time or 9.56am NYC / DC time, Yahya formally reported has been killed by Israel.
Multiple investigation-research [Channel4 UK, Guardian UK, multiple health organization, multiple NGO, THE LANCET, OXFAM, etc] show the data and multiple research method that total casualties 377 days [and still counting] in Gaza by Israel between 186,000 - 430,000 [estimate 40 percent are children], with Acceptable Evil Death Rate (AEDR) 724 casualties per day / 724 Palestinian in Gaza killed by Israel daily, not counting casualties in the West Bank.
Yahya Sinwar was a singular brave and sagacious man whose impact is immortal and all Israelis are revolting frog voiced Nazi perverts who only experience joy when sourced from slaughtering kids or being sexually violent to their slaves.
Palestinian will all walk the path of resistance and the path of Sinwar. If they kill Sinwar today, a hundred Sinwars will emerge to take his place. If Israel thinks that by killing Yahya Sinwar it will stop the Palestinians from defending their land, it is mistaken. Israel has killed hundreds of leaders, including Yasser Arafat (Abu Ammar), Ahmed Yassin, Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi, Abu Ali Mustafa, Ismail Haniyeh, and many other leaders.
The result has always been the opposite: the resistance grows fiercer, stronger, and more determined. No one can deny the truth: Palestine belongs to the Palestinians. No matter how much time passes or how great the tyranny becomes, the day will come when this despicable Zionism will come to an end—this virus that is sweeping the world with its rotten ideas.
[The location of photo is] Just 120 km from Gaza, [Jennifer Koonings] try to help directly Gazan people, as healthcare worker.
Again, by Jennifer Koonings, one brightest member CODEPINK Alert
Jennifer Kooning and her friend Samantha, and also another codepink CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter founding member Ann Wright ann Wright
Medea Benjamin Medea’s Substack
co founder CODEPINK
Medea’s birthday: September 10. Happy Birthday, Medea🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
At least 12-13 days Jennifer Koonings, PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE , one brilliant CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter under Medea Benjamin, hunger strike outside White House in the wake US complicit Genocidal Gaza. This is [click link] her writing as member of CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter. Jennifer is Certified Forensic Examiner for Adults and Children, really full knowledge about sexual assault, such as sexual assault by Israel to every Palestinian, like NYT reporting [photo uploaded].
We as Muslim prohibited to fasting at least 6 days for entire year [365, or 366 in leap year]. 2 Days Eid Fitr / Eid el-Fitr [1 Shawwal and 2 Shawwal / Syawal Syawwal], Day of Eid Adha / Eid el-Adha [10 Dzulhijjah / Dhul-Hijjah - today], and days of Tashriq [11th, 12th and 13th Dhul-Hijjah / Dzulhijjah, or in Gregorian Calendar 2024, the days of Tashriq means 17-19 June]. But doesn’t mean prohibited for ‘less eating or hunger strike.’ As sacrifice in DC at least 13 days by Jennifer Koonings just because her protest about Gaza, I keep ‘eating less’ not only for her but also for Palestine, at least until 19 June. And for June 20th, back again for nonmandatory fasting, normally 17-18 hours, as even Jennifer, with her gut, sacrifice herself for Gaza. Wisdom quote I hear since war [Israel - Gaza] nonstop ‘’...You can't make people care about a genocide happening right in front of their eyes. They either do immediately, or a chip is missing up there, and they never will.’
For solidarity, since she started to hunger strike, I put myself eat 1 very tiny plate/day for break the fasting and for entire day after, extreme fasting 16.5 hours [based on my location]. I’m still continued for hunger strike, because its very easy. In last 17 years, I already [minimum] 340 days / year to fasting [29 - 30 days for mandatory fasting for muslim, ramadan session, the rest is voluntary fasting / sunnah]. Photo Jennifer with ann Wright, retired retired US Army and also [Ann] retired State Department. Sometimes I’m fasting up to 22 hours / day because forgot to break my fasting.
Medea Benjamin Medea Benjamin Medea’s Substack and Jennifer Koonings Medea Benjamin
footage by CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter, multiple nurses in DC, after humanitarian duty in Gaza
Please keep donating to [1] PCRF / Palestine Children’s Relief Fund or [2] Freedom Flotilla.
As PCRF pictures by Dr Rajha in Gaza, Ariana Grande - Butera, and CODEPINK Alert
Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE part of CODEPINK AlertJen
Unlike Israeli and pro zionist student [very easy] get a money [thanks for multiple billionaire], contrary, Palestinian very hard to get a money [like encampments across the world]. Link attached by CODEPINK Alert Jen Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE is Nagham, same healthcare worker like Jennifer but in Palestine. 3 Months ago is Nagham’s birthday. Link to donate. Nagham is still alive.
Jen Jennifer Koonings, PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE. Abdelrahman is still alive after Rafah bombing 3 weeks ago
Yellow Flower, Jennifer Koonings in Betlehem [around 3pm local time West Bank, 5 weeks ago], nearly same exact result voting UNGA [11.17am NYC - Rockefeller Building of United Nations], 143 votes in favor, nine against, and 25 abstentions for Palestinian membership.
Footage by mine. Minutes before Jennifer
Jennifer Koonings literally singing also for foundation - charity movement Sing for Hope. How golden heart.
her mine
My mine. Doppelganger cat
Love you, Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE. Dont know how deteriorated of you after Hunger Strike
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