We caused families in Iraq to suffer like this and it was an atrocity that I hope and pray will never happen again. But Hamas knew when they poked the sleeping bear with a sharp stick, they knew people in Gaza would suffer. They hide out among them. They knew what they were starting. No one can take blame from them. They own it whether they accept it or not

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A lot of us have had a lot to learn over the last few weeks. There’s SO much indoctrination, especially of diaspora Jews. Contrary, a lot of jew really with moral clarity, support Palestine.

Whatever experience, read about what Israel is doing now to vulnerable people in Gaza. Will that end Hamas?

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a lot of US soldiers [including relatives of my friend in Sacramento] suffers PTSD after Iraq duty. After 20 years, surely, US got nothing in Iraq. spend USD3 trillion since 2001, combine GWOT [global war on terror] plus iraq war, just to got nothing. I'm sure Biden aware about it, aware about potential 'blowback', horrific blunder by Israel will be affected to US foreign policy. But I'm not sure how actually 'first ring of Biden' giving a bad advice. Hopefully Biden not too late, because by optics of Global South, Biden is loser and hypocrite.

Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert just said on the radio that Netanyahu made grandiose promises about destroying Hamas in order to later be able to blame the IDF for not succeeding - because Netanyahu govt is clearly incapable of achieving that goal -politically/diplomatically.


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Disparity if people and politics. The United States is a democracy. We are a country of laws. If Justice. Where even if you are at the top you cannot get away with crime.you will be indicted. You will not be thrown in jail and forgotten or be beaten or tortured. The jail will be decent. You will make phone calls and have certain rights even as a prisoner.

Most people living in a democracy want to keep it that way even though we disagree about many things, even though we have lying politicians, but most importantly we have The United States Constitution and what ever the US and the European Union are doing, while not perfect, is working for the most part.

Look all over Western countries and you will find whole communities from the Middle East. Who escaped from war, they escaped from poverty, they escaped countries where women have absolutely no rights as a human being, where Husbands own their wives like chattel, and can treat them worse, they can beat them for any slight real or perceived and even murder them and call it an “honor killing.”

No. We will never return to the Stone Age or live in the Stone Age where religion rules. It flat out doesn’t work. I’m with Jesus when He said “give to Cesar what is Cesar’s and give to God what is Gods. He’s saying they are separate and regardless of who wants prayer in school thst can never happen because who’s prayer? We accept diversity, freedom of religion and freedom not to be religious. We have laws that will punish anyone terrorizing people because of their race, religion and yes sexual preference just because most religious people would outcast and ostriches them. We have laws to protect them even if we don’t agree with them. You don’t have to like the way others live to respect their right to live as they are. I don’t agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it. And these things are only a drop in the bucket. I couldn’t live in an autocratic society where my rights as a woman and a human are not respected and protected. So many women do. It’s crime.

No. Our country has its rough patches but we cone through because we a have the basic ingredient needed to remain free. Born free. Remain free. We will never be ruled by any church or temple or by men only. I hate that we do business with countries that are not protected.

Bottom line. Look around you. There are huge pockets of middle eastern populations liveng and working free for the first time which is something they never dreamed would happen. We don’t tell them they can’t be Muslim or who they are.

Yes we have ignorant people too, who believe everyone must be a Christian and rule the country like a Christian like they did back when the Church of England laid out the rules to live by. It did not work. I am a red letter Christian and believe in the “teachings” of Jesus. He told the men and women following him to, “above all, love one another”, oh if only the so called Christian’s actually followed His teachings. But regardless it cannot run our government.

All are free to worship as they please.

The only reason people suffer so much in most parts of the Middle East is because men run everything according to their beliefs. They will never bring in companies offering jobs and a better life because it’s so unstable and violent. They will live in the Stone Age-held back by others notion of what they should be, people are starving, dying early because no doctors want to practice there, poor nutrition and near starvation at times, no medicine, just poor people scratching out an existence. North Korea, DPRK is the worst off and the most brain washed.

But US citizens no, we will never allow that.

If you hold the same views as Iran, that Israel shouldn’t be allowed to exist, well any world leader knows by now that it does and will exist and the sooner it’s accepted and men who lead these countries take their giant EGOS in the back seat and keep it there the sooner peace will happen.

Like I said I’m not a big fan of Netanyahu but this one is on Hamas. You can’t take your neighbors as hostages, murder so many old people, women and children.

They tried to over throw our capital even for the sitting President and look what’s happened. They still haven’t finished bringing all of them to Justice but we will.

Donald Trump will follow them because not even a once POTUS can escape Justice. Not here.

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Can’t you see Hamas is the common denominator here? I don’t care much for Netanyahu but any Israeli prime minister would never give in to demands of a terrorist group that is holding its citizens hostage. No country would do that and yes it has been done but it has been found to cause more kid nappings. If any group can kidnap 200 innocent people to get their people released from prison then it would start in every country right now and Hamas knows this. They know Net plays hard ball and will never give in. This is the second time in the past decade that Hamas has triggered violence and hid out among the innocent population. And can’t you see that Egypt would never allow refugees from Gaza because members of Hamas could be among them? Hamas will not and has not accomplished a thing by what they did-what they started on that awful morning when they murdered and maimed so many in their beds and took so many as hostages. No way under the sun that it will work to free prisoners. Hamas knows this already.

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I really afraid MS Tarheel disturbed because in last 30 notes , 90 percent about Israeli. Let me clear. I'm muslim yes its true, and even GF is german jewish. My note[s] never intention because I'm muslim. Even, I'm angry because a lot of Indonesian Christian dont care about Palestine, althoigh the fact that JESUS born in Betlehem [in arabic = baitul lahmi, Home of God].

apologize if my note about israel - palestine disturbing for your optics, ms tarheel. but if you already read 26 notes of mine [I really try careful to explain in EVERY 26 notes about israel palestine], I really appreciate.

basic issue =

Palestinians who fled their home land during the first Nakba of 1948, were never allowed back and the “right of return” of the refugees is Israel’s biggest NO in any peace process. This is why Gazans refuse to Egypt or Jordan. All Gazans prefer to die in Gaza rather than suffering 'another expulsion.'

another basic issue =

casualties in West Bank since Oct 7th already 190. NO ONE HAMAS member in West Bank. West Bank authority [from palestinian sides] is PLO, a political faction founded by the late Yasser Arafat. Basically, Israel genocide to 2-path way, not only Gazans. its bullshit Israel v HAMAS. no.

THIRD basic issue =

Bibi giving a money to HAMAS to divide palestinian. sayeed warsi, a UK MP, days ago explaining again in BBC. Bibi’s mad-barbaric in Gaza right now just ‘actor, theatrical’ cover up his incompetent.

Bibi Netanyahu never loses an opportunity to drag Israelis to the wrong side of history. Netanyahu had been giving a pass to anti-Semites as long as they support his policies. The entire Israel is loathe with Netanyahu. He refuses to take responsibility for years of failed policies and is preoccupied with tweeting against the IDF. The entire country and region hangs in the balance, no one wants him leading this, and somehow he is still in his seat. [my ability to explain about israel - palestine cannot reflect in just 1 note of my writing, apologize if my comment not enough to satisfy. again, I really blessed if ms tarhell read a lot of my writing about this war]

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