DC 6.58pm
Supreme Court announced it will review Colorado's highest court ruling that found former President Donald Trump ineligible for the presidency and would leave him off the state's 2024 primary ballot.
The crime rate now is lower than it was when Biden took office, but it is still higher than it was when Trump took office. That proves Democrats are soft on crime. Including to all-related to Jan.6 resurrection. If Democrats can keep Trump off the ballot for trying to overthrow the government, imagine what they can do to you. In other side, if Joe Biden falls short of expectations in New Hampshire on January 23rd, the entire political landscape will change overnight.
Donald Trump had a corrupt and damaging foreign policy approach that laid groundwork for future crises but because Gaza War broke out on Biden’s watch Trump will benefit from lay voter perspective that “Nothing Was Happening” while he was in power which is what is preferred.