But like Jennifer Koonings, if you don’t care Billionaires for Trump or Billionaires for Biden, you may can help Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE —- part of CODEPINK Alert Certified Forensic Examiner for Adults and Children [for detail sexual assault nurse examiners can click here] for other option to the Election
GPNY link click here
People’s Conference for Palestine. Sanaa Daqqa, wife of Palestinian political prisoner Walid Daqqa who was killed by Israel after being prevented from receiving medical treatment for his cancer while in Israeli prison [5 weeks ago], in the US speaking to the Palestinian movement. I cannot describe the emotions in this room. Encampment in Ghent Univ [Belgium] retitle one of campus hall to be Walid Daqqa Hall. By my count, at least 21 names of Palestinian used to retitle multiple libraries, hall, lawn / park.
People’s Conference for Palestine and Refaat. Via Dana Danaka Katovich, one of leader CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter alongside Medea Benjamin
Until last November, US - China historic bilateral summit, in San Francisco [home of AAPI], 2nd historic meet up Biden - Xi Jinping after Bali Indonesia / G20 Summit November 2022, Stephen Schwarzman is still ‘Biden buddy’ donor, as appear in exclusive meeting. Now, decide to vote and raise a money to Trump because ‘‘..Biden failed to kill more Palestinian.’ 44K killed in less 230 days isn’t enough, Biden [in gut Blackstone’s Schwarzman]
Awkward fundraising sides, Trump or [still] Biden.
44K Palestinian killed by Israel less 230 days isn’t enough, Biden [in gut Bill Ackman]
But again:
Choose his wife or Biden. As of Friday,11pm NYC, at least 21 US senators & 56 US congressmen [women], via twitter, shared exact template by AIPAC, to defund ICC, + killing [British citizen] Karim Khan, [British citizen] Amal Clooney - wife of Kentuckians George
These university encampments are microcosms of the world we all deserve. Multi-faith, intergenerational, safe community spaces. Free education, art, food sharing, consent and care. Parents are able to let their children run freely, elders are taken care of with respect. GWU encampment ony around 11 minutes walking away from the White House.
Daniel Seidemann [80 years old] is pro peace activist, lawyer, in Jerusalem. UK - Israeli citizenship, literally holocaust survivor.
Around 1am - 2am Gaza time / 3pm - 4pm NYC, Hamas claims taking Israeli soldiers prisoners in north Gaza. Aired by Al Jazeera around 2.13am Gaza
Dylan Saba also part of lawyer who helping 142 protesters freed from the jail after peace protest in New York Times headquarter [including Jennifer Koonings]
IDF [Israel Defense Force]. Shayetet 13 / 'Flotilla 13' / Hebrew: שייטת 13, a unit of the Israeli Navy and one of the primary reconnaissance units of the Israel Defense Forces. Shayetet 13 specializes in sea-to-land incursions —- as FREEDOM FLOTILLA sailing to Gaza
Button link to donate Freedom Flotilla Gaza - Mavi Marmara
Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE —- part of
, she’s also Certified Forensic Examiner for Adults and Children [for detail sexual assault nurse examiners can click here]
Brutality by Virginia Police to UVa encampments
People’s Conference for Palestine and Refaat. Via Dana Danaka Katovich, one of leader CODEPINK Alert CODEPINK’s Newsletter alongside Medea Benjamin
Portland State University [Refaat Alareer Library]
Please don’t mention Palestine or Gaza or related emojis in payment; brutal censored by cashapp & venmo
New Data for VENMO between May 10th - May 23rd [6.51PM NYC time]
New Hampshire: UNH-JS
Wayne State University: WSUSJP
Bard College: SJPBARD
UC San Francisco: SDISTRO
Carleton College: ZACKSHAWN
Xavier University: SJPSXU
Chapman: VENMO PawsUpForPalCU / some students [eligible - verified, although personal account] beatsbybecca
MSU Denver: SDSDenver
Portland State University: [option 1] ZACHPOW24; [option 2] StayOnTheLawn; [option 3] DefenseFundPDX
UC Santa Cruz: [option 1] AMORAMORAMOR and [option 2] Pizza_Party_1312
UMASS Amherst [The University of Massachusetts Amherst]: UMADissents and also Venmo Julia-Stearns-2
Rhode Island School of Design: RISDSJP
CSU Sacramento: SJPCSUS
UC Davis: davispulp
UC Riverside: UCR-SJP
Notre Dame: palestine-forever
Boise State: poppiesandwatermelon
Nebraska: Lincolnforpalestine
Binghamton: dfdbinghamton
Irvine: RNF-Irvine
UC Riverside: UCR-SJP
Penn: ppc-ppc
Case Western Reserve: CAIR-Cleveland
Rochester: sjpuofr
Portland State University: ZACHPOW24 [same like VENMO account]
If anyone wants giving an update to me about venmo - cashapp, Whatsapp-Telegram-SIGNAL is [Indonesia code] +62 8953 2759 8560 ——- or email prada.takenote@gmail.com
older data entry:
Columbia: venmo bcabolitioncollective
and will rebuilt again, especially if President Minouche ousted. Since April 23, encampment organizer said ‘please donate gaza rather than us’, means, very solid alumnae network is very enough to keep funding encampment and [potential] new encampment one day.
HUMBOLDT : VENMO sds-humboldt —— Cashapp SDSHumboldt
Washington University: bailfundwashu
NYU New York University: VENMO solidaritynyu2
MIT: mit-c4p
CUNY: cuny4p
CCNY: elaichi-23
Fordham: fordhamsjp
Northeastern: VENMO: liberate-neu
Emerson College: VENMO: SheriHK
Pennsylvania / UPenn:VENMO PPC-PPC
Florida International University: cashapp freemyboyJC
Florida State University: venmo sdsfsu
University of Florida: VENMO Gville_LiberationCollective
The New School NY: VENMO tns4gaza and TNSJAILSUPPORT
Oberlin College Ohio: VENMO Oberlinsfp
Illinois Urbana-Champaign: VENMO SJPUIUC_
Rice University: VENMO SJPHouston; cashapp RiceSJPalestine
UNC Chapel Hill: Cashapp UNCSJP
Ohio State Uni: VENMO just-614. Cashapp justcbus. Also paypal with same name: justcbus
Rutgers. RU4Palestine [VENMO and Cashapp]
Vanderbilt: VENMO VanderbiltBDS
Austin: VENMO psc-atx
Cornell: VENMO CMLdevelopment
Michigan: VENMO SafeUmich
Yale and University of Connecticut. Cashapp Ct4Palestine and BristolAntiRacism. Venmo Adam-antar
Illinois Urbana - Champaign: SJPUIUC_
George Washington University: venmo pymdmv [separate with ‘TOGETHER / INTEGRATED VENMO’ for DC-Maryland-Virginia with name solidaritysupport]
Johns Hopkins: VENMO Hopkinsjusticecollective
SUNY: VENMO moliaibrahim
San Francisco State University: VENMO Students-for-Gaza
Tulane + Loyola + Uni New Orleans [integrated]: VENMO LUTUbailfund
Virginia Tech: VENMO VT4Palestine
Wisconsin-Madison: VENMO keanobrien & Kelly-Ward-87 —- CASHAPP: SamiSchalk
Illinois Urbana - Champaign: SJPUIUC_
George Washington University: venmo PYMDMV [separate with ‘TOGETHER / INTEGRATED VENMO’ for DC-Maryland-Virginia with name solidaritysupport]
Johns Hopkins: VENMO Hopkinsjusticecollective
SUNY: VENMO moliaibrahim
San Francisco State University: VENMO Students-for-Gaza
Tulane + Loyola + Uni New Orleans [integrated]: VENMO LUTUbailfund
Virginia Tech: VENMO VT4Palestine
Wisconsin-Madison: VENMO [option 1] keanobrien & [option 2] Kelly-Ward-87 & [option 3] NIPINET —- CASHAPP: SamiSchalk
Syracuse: VENMO SUGazaEncampment
Occidental College: VENMO hotpeoplesupportpal
Brown: VENMO brown-divest-coalition
Princeton: VENMO pton4pal
UC [University of California at] Irvine: VENMO RNF-irvine
University of Chicago: VENMO sjp-uchicago
University of South Florida: VENMO TampaBaySDS
University of Nebraska: VENMO lincolnforpalestine
George Washington. Assuming encampment with fact nearest White House / Biden, around 2 miles only. VENMO solidaritysupport.
UMN Minnesota. VENMO miraltorez. Cashapp UMNSDS
USC: VENMO USCDivestFromDeath
8.9 million views;
150 million dollar to take down at least [encampment in] Barnard / Columbia, CUNY, CCNY, NYU, The New School, and FIT [Fashion Institute of Technology]. Total crowdfunding by venmo in 7 UNIVERSITIES maybe only less 70k dollar.
Jennifer Koonings confronting Andy Ogles
list encampment [US soil], "Liberated Zone", text format [not pict]
According to official Telegram of Freedom Flotilla, Freedom Flotilla postponed to sailing, at least not Friday [April 26th] due to pressure by Israel and Biden / White House, I don’t think people understand the ramifications of the protests at Kibbutz Blinken encampment, then Stanford, then Columbia. Those kids are literally leading and paving the way with their activism. Palestine will set us all free.
211 in US soil and 117 outside US:
Columbia University + Barnard College
Penn [like in picture by Jennifer Koonings]
[new / join the club] Wayne State University
[new / join] Drexel University
[new / join the club] Bard College
[new / join the club] Carleton College
[new / join the club] UConn [Connecticut]
[new / join the club] Arizona State University
[new / join the club] Auraria Higher Education Center - AHEC
University of Rochester
University of Minnesota
Swarthmore College
University of Oregon
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Southern California
University of Michigan
University of Houston
University of Pittsburgh
University of Maryland
University of Idaho
University of New Mexico
UT Dallas
University of South Carolina
University of Nevada, Las Vegas [UNLV]
Northwestern University — Evanston, Illinois
UCSB [UC Santa Barbara]
Fashion Institute of Technology / FIT [part SUNY]
Emory University Georgia
Kennesaw State University Georgia
John Hopkins University, Baltimore
UNC [University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte / Charlotte)
UC Berkeley
University of Texas at San Antonio [UTSA]
Washington University
Smith College Northampton Massachusetts
Pomona College Claremont California
Miami University (Miami of Ohio)
Rice University
Portland State University
UPENN / University of Pennsylvania
California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt or Humboldt)
Ohio State University
Emory University
University of Illinois
Whitman College Washington State, Walla Walla
Indiana University
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis [IUPUI]
University of Delaware
University of Florida
Florida International University
Virginia Tech
University of Virginia
Emerson College
The New School NYC
City University of New York [CUNY]
City College of New York [CCNY]
Northeastern University, Boston
George Washington University (GW or GWU)
Gallaudet University
Georgetown University
George Mason University
Howard University School of Law (Howard Law or HUSL)
The American University (AU or American)
117, outside US soil
[Tokyo, Todai, Meiji, Sophia Japan, Tama Art JPN, Int'l Christ Uni JPN, Hiroshima, UCL [Refaat Almamater], Goldsmith, King's College London / KCL, Oxford, SOAS, Warwick, Sheffield, Newcastle, Northumbria, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Trinity Dublin, University College Cork / UCC, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Cuba Univ, KTH Sweden, Lund Sweden, Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland, AUC Cairo, SciPo Paris, Sci Po Lille / Institut d'études politiques de Lille, Sorbonne, Freie Uni, Humboldt, NYU Berlin, Ghent, Universitat Wien, Vrije Universiteit / VUB, KU Leuven / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Université de Lausanne [UNIL], Ecole Poly Zurich, Uni Geneva, EPFL, ETHZ, Uni Bern, Uni Fribourg, Uni Basel, København Univesitet, UvA [Universiteit van Amsterdam] Amsterdam University College, NYU Buenos Aires, Universitat de Valencia, Universitat de Barcelona, University of Bucharest, University Costa Rica, Havana Univ, Alberta, McGill, Uni of Toronto, Toronto Metro, Concordia Canada, Victoria Canada, Vancouver Island, Ottawa, British Columbia in Vancouver, Quebec in Montreal, Puerto Rico Rio Piedras, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi/IPSI, Selcuk Uni, Kuwait Uni, Uni of Jordan, Beirut Arab Uni, Jawaharlal Nehru Uni, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Uni, Tunisia Institute of Press, WITS / Witwatersrand Uni, NAU Mexico, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Università di Torino, Università di Bologna, La Statale University of Milan, Seoul National University / 서울대학교]
another venmo, but not student, but still related about Gaza:
[community of] Corvallis, is VENMO CORVALLIS-PALESTINE. Even Corvallis Community also set up specific venmo to donation / pay multiple e-SIM FOR Gaza people, venmo CINTRONENOBOT
Yellow Flower, Jennifer Koonings in Betlehem [around 3pm local time yesterday], nearly same exact result voting UNGA [11.17am NYC - Rockefeller Building of United Nations], 143 votes in favor, nine against, and 25 abstentions for Palestinian membership.
Jennifer Koonings literally singing also for foundation - charity movement Sing for Hope. How golden heart.
Again, if worried to give a money for encampments, can donate to Gaza [like advice by Columbia Encampment]