G.F. Peabody Winner Bisan Owda & Hossam Shabbat Still Alive [10 Hours Ago]. Unclear Still Alive If $1.26 Billion Weapon Landed in Tel Aviv Next Friday. Earlier Than Evacuation 20 Americans
Angry from Palestine. Jennifer Koonings.
I’m not only create VENMO - CASHAPP excelsheet data of encampments [click here], but [6 months ago] really create excelsheet 7 Palestinian / Gazan journo day by day he/she tweeted first time every day, because I’m really afraid he/she killed by Israel. Until November 5th, 2023, 68 Gazans journo killed by Israel. Until this midnight, 191 Gazans journo killed by Israel. I stop to run excelsheet after Plestia and Motaz Azaiza fleeing. Because wild rumor in last 17 hours, especially after Hossam Shabbat received death threat by phone call, and also Bisan [was] no sign in her instagram at least 109 hours. Can confirm, both, Bisan and Hossam still alive. Please, don’t memorize Bisan and Hossam because both still alive. At least 16 Palestinian [already killed by Israel] get commemorate in encampments across the world, to be [renamed] hall, library, lawn, park. Although West Coast still 11pm, we can recognize that right now is 76 years of NAKBA [May 15th]. Currently NYC 2.34am / Gaza 9.34am
The problem? Both Bisan and Hossam last activity in social media nearly same minute. Around 11pm Gaza, or around 3pm NYC - DC or 8 hours ago, no more posts again until this note landed in your email. Same exact around 3pm - 4pm NYC that circulated news [exclusive news by] WSJ Nancy A. Youssef and Jared Malsin
[and re-dispatch by other media] that Biden approve another US$1 billion, with accurate number US$1.26 billion weapon package to Israel.To see if desperately needed doctors can be transported in Gaza, UN staff have to do a “test run” along the route first to see if they are killed by the IDF [with weapon MADE IN USA as well]. Indian Colonel Waibhav Anil Kale, 46 years old, who took premature retirement from the Indian Army in 2022, joined the UN as a Security Coordination Officer in the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (DSS), killed by Israel.
Newest weapon package includes about $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles and $60 million in mortar rounds.
The lesser of two evils [Trump / Biden]
1 month before Christmas, by legendary journo
— now owner - founder Ken LLCJennifer Koonings disrupt USAID Samantha Powers
Even NYT Pitchbot didn’t hold back.
1.5 million views, less 14 hours. Astead W. Herndon. Sadly, Marquette so far isn’t join Encampments
208 Encampments in US soil, or 208 Universities / Colleges, if we accumulate gross number active students’ [ONLY] undergraduate degree, around 304,000 or 0.1 percent entire US population. Apologize cannot count for 104 universities outside US right now ‘join the club’ of encampment too, because at least 13 universities aren’t show data [number of] active students
Biden has belatedly recognized that he has little ability to influence Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s destructive war in Gaza—and has begun to take steps to distance himself from it. But even if that war were to end in the next two weeks —— HOW END with the fact next Friday new batch weapon already landed in Tel Aviv. In sarcasm or blunt, Daniel Seidemann, Israeli lawyer, pro peace, was successfully convince Foreign Secretary David Cameron about heinous Netanyahu in West Bank, says ‘it never ends.’
Immediate evacuate [20 US doctors], maybe use emergency pier built by US Marine. Ladda Tammy Duckworth. Same evacuate like to her in Iraq. I’m really thinking for another healthcare worker, really desperate to help GAZA directly but stranded in Turkiye and now stranded in West Bank Palestine: Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE. I help Jen to create a video about emergency pier, days before she go to Istanbul. If American physicians, American doctors working in Gaza are so dehydrated they need IV fluids imagine what is happening to the rest of the population that is 50% children, only consume 250 calories per day, 200+ days nonstop
Not only hit by baton, get a rubber bullet, kicked out - suspended from the class, but grope by police.
1.7 million views in last 29 hours. If anyone know who this girl, please told to me. If anyone feel safe if contact [literally] Certified Forensic Examiner for Adults and Children [for detail sexual assault nurse examiners can click here] like Jennifer Koonings, and [POTENTIAL VICTIM] not only in NYC, maybe also a lot of victim [sexual violence by police in] encampments at the moment got raided by police / ranger], chat Jennifer in instagram and or put your question to me [prada.takenote@gmail.com / Whatsapp-Telegram-SIGNAL is [Indonesia code] +62 8953 2759 8560} so I re-route to Jennifer. Full-name of her is Jennifer Koonings PMHNP, MS, MS, NYSAFE
PMHNP means Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Although she’s now in Hebron [6 hours earlier if compare with NYC, or 9 hours earlier of compare West Coast, currently 10.11am Hebron], she’s pure gold heart. She may help you or at least if anyone [victim] reachout to her, she try to re-route to her colleagues in US soil.
Refaat Alareer Library, Portland State University.
General situation in 207 encampments
American Bangladeshi Zubair is Stony Brook student. Venmo Stony Brook: SB4PALESTINE
Please don’t mention Palestine or Gaza or related emojis in payment; brutal censored by cashapp & venmo
New Data for VENMO between May 10th - May 13rd [NYC time]
Carleton College: ZACKSHAWN
Xavier University: SJPSXU
MSU Denver: SDSDenver
Portland State University: [option 1] ZACHPOW24; [option 2] StayOnTheLawn; [option 3] DefenseFundPDX
UC Santa Cruz: [option 1] AMORAMORAMOR and [option 2] Pizza_Party_1312
UMASS Amherst [The University of Massachusetts Amherst]: UMADissents and also Venmo Julia-Stearns-2
Rhode Island School of Design: RISDSJP
CSU Sacramento: SJPCSUS
UC Davis: davispulp
UC Riverside: UCR-SJP
Notre Dame: palestine-forever
Boise State: poppiesandwatermelon
Nebraska: Lincolnforpalestine
Binghamton: dfdbinghamton
Irvine: RNF-Irvine
UC Riverside: UCR-SJP
Penn: ppc-ppc
Case Western Reserve: CAIR-Cleveland
New Data for Cashapp in last 5 days:
Rochester: sjpuofr
Portland State University: ZACHPOW24 [same like VENMO account]
If anyone wants giving an update to me about venmo - cashapp, Whatsapp-Telegram-SIGNAL is [Indonesia code] +62 8953 2759 8560 ——- or email prada.takenote@gmail.com
older data entry:
Columbia: will rebuilt again, especially if President Minouche ousted. Since April 23, encampment organizer said ‘please donate gaza rather than us’, means, very solid alumnae network is very enough to keep funding encampment and [potential] new encampment one day.
Washington University: bailfundwashu
NYU New York University: VENMO solidaritynyu2
MIT: mit-c4p
CUNY: cuny4p
CCNY: elaichi-23
Fordham: fordhamsjp
Northeastern: VENMO: liberate-neu
Emerson College: VENMO: SheriHK
Pennsylvania / UPenn:VENMO ppc-ppc
Florida International University: cashapp freemyboyJC
Florida State University: venmo sdsfsu
University of Florida: VENMO Gville_LiberationCollective
The New School NY: VENMO tns4gaza and TNSJAILSUPPORT
Oberlin College Ohio: VENMO Oberlinsfp
Illinois Urbana-Champaign: VENMO SJPUIUC_
Rice University: VENMO SJPHouston; cashapp RiceSJPalestine
UNC Chapel Hill: Cashapp UNCSJP
Ohio State Uni: VENMO just-614. Cashapp justcbus. Also paypal with same name: justcbus
Rutgers. RU4Palestine [VENMO and Cashapp]
Vanderbilt: VENMO VanderbiltBDS
Austin: VENMO psc-atx
Cornell: VENMO CMLdevelopment
Michigan: VENMO SafeUmich
Yale and University of Connecticut. Cashapp Ct4Palestine and BristolAntiRacism. Venmo Adam-antar
Illinois Urbana - Champaign: SJPUIUC_
George Washington University: venmo pymdmv [separate with ‘TOGETHER / INTEGRATED VENMO’ for DC-Maryland-Virginia with name solidaritysupport]
Johns Hopkins: VENMO Hopkinsjusticecollective
SUNY: VENMO moliaibrahim
San Francisco State University: VENMO Students-for-Gaza
Tulane + Loyola + Uni New Orleans [integrated]: VENMO LUTUbailfund
Virginia Tech: VENMO VT4Palestine
Wisconsin-Madison: VENMO keanobrien & Kelly-Ward-87 —- CASHAPP: SamiSchalk
Illinois Urbana - Champaign: SJPUIUC_
George Washington University: venmo PYMDMV [separate with ‘TOGETHER / INTEGRATED VENMO’ for DC-Maryland-Virginia with name solidaritysupport]
Johns Hopkins: VENMO Hopkinsjusticecollective
SUNY: VENMO moliaibrahim
San Francisco State University: VENMO Students-for-Gaza
Tulane + Loyola + Uni New Orleans [integrated]: VENMO LUTUbailfund
Virginia Tech: VENMO VT4Palestine
Wisconsin-Madison: VENMO [option 1] keanobrien & [option 2] Kelly-Ward-87 & [option 3] NIPINET —- CASHAPP: SamiSchalk
Syracuse: VENMO SUGazaEncampment
Occidental College: VENMO hotpeoplesupportpal
Brown: VENMO brown-divest-coalition
Princeton: VENMO pton4pal
UC [University of California at] Irvine: VENMO RNF-irvine
University of Chicago: VENMO sjp-uchicago
University of South Florida: VENMO TampaBaySDS
University of Nebraska: VENMO lincolnforpalestine
George Washington. Assuming encampment with fact nearest White House / Biden, around 2 miles only. VENMO solidaritysupport.
UMN Minnesota. VENMO miraltorez. Cashapp UMNSDS
USC: VENMO USCDivestFromDeath
[RENEW] 'Babel', 270 Languages IF I MUST DIE of Refaat [by 1400+ Translators, Socmed Users]
DECEMBER 20, 2023
New York City, 4.10am ==================
Refaat Alareer and Diana Tamari Sabagh, also ICJ
6 Years old toddler Hind Rajab. 6 Years old Palestinian American Wadea al-Fayoume 7 Years old Sidra Hassouna [or Hassoun]. 3 of Salam Sister [Remas Salam, Jana Salam, Shahd Salam]. 8 Years old Adam Al-Ghoul. Dr Adnan-al Bursh [tortured until died by Israel inside prison, 18 days ago]. 10 Years old toddler Yazan Kafarneh. Prof Refaat Alareer [IF I MUST DIE]. [Dual citizenship, American Palestinian] Al Jazeera journo Shireen Abu Akleh [today 2 years her assassination by Israel]. Dr. Hammam Alloh. Artist Fathi Gaben / Gabin. Diana Tamari Sabagh. Writer Walid Daqqa / Walid Daqqah. Writer Mahmoud Alnaouq. Around 208 Encampments in US soil and 104 outside US soil, in my data, at least 16 [sixteen] Palestinians [killed by Israel] to be name of [temporary] building, with exceptional 1 Palestinian [Palestinian American] Wadea killed by another American because bigot-hatred.
Another Palestinian name, but she’s still alive. Dr Samah Jabr