I’m so glad I read your news letter Prada. I’m from what’s called “the Bible Belt,” southeastern North Carolina but even we were raised outside that evangelical strict, everything’s black and white, no shades of gray, and I’m not talking about race here. I’m talking about how so so many people I know back home, I’m now in California, are like me, there’s an in between. When in a court of law a lawyer tells you it’s a yes or no question and you have to answer that way? I say no! No you don’t. We are all individuals, we all suffer our own pains, we are the ones who live in our skin. Where are men in all this? As always they’re conveniently absent, they easily stand in the pulpit and shout NO! To abortion under any circumstances.

I was always on the fence about the Roe vs Wade issue, hoping it wiuldco

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(at)Tammy Tarheel: Until my 33years old (yesterday), I still traumatized that my (ex), whore, arguably having sex (in multiple times) with 5 guys on same night. Penta-some, whatever. When I started to engage with her, I already accept it, accept the fact that she’s not virgin anymore because was raped when (she) around 19 years old. I really love her, WAS. And then she never regrets having fun with 5 guys. And not just 1 night, But repeated times.

But I know the virgin issue, the rape issue, the abortion issue very stark between “EAST (me) and “WEST”. Until I found gore story that Ms Yousra, hijabi (use a veil to protect her skin, “awrah”), caucasian, get raped, and decide to abortion of her newborn.

Sometimes using “TALIBANGELICAL” is derogatory of muslim issues, but I (as muslim) disagree. If you are not comfortable with my title note, really apologize.

I write it not only afraid that one day my wife (gift from God) is Caucasian / West but I’m not ready to learn more about the “Western” mindset or lifestyle. I try to learn / research in weeks after Roe - SCOTUS “leak” (thanks by POLITICO Josh Gerstein & Alex B Ward) about the complicated centuries of abortion in America. And especially, after 2016 (post-Trump), how polarized (to be) starker/contrast about abortion between GOP and DEMS. Even Trump himself worried about suburban women's perception (on) Roe v Wade.

The more upset nowadays is, when NYT showed 2 days ago about “43 % vs 43 %” between Biden and Trump, I’m really confused how the craziness under Trump, and multiple indictment (at least when NYT set a polling, Trump already get 1st Indictment), U.S. voters especially in the middle of GOP voters still favor to Trump. Neither this is a CULT effect, or the GOP just dont have a “better candidate” than Trump.

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